The effects verge on postmodern vaporware performance art - Nguyen loops in what look like low-resolution gifs of birds “attacking” in climactic moments. The footage is grainy and poorly lit, looking like a mini-DV nightmare. As for Nguyen’s grasp… well, there’s not much of anything resembling “traditional filmmaking competence” being grasped at here. James Nguyen, the singular auteur behind Birdemic: Shock and Terror, wanted so much for his film to be a new horror classic, a sensitive love story, an environmental treatise, an action-packed blockbuster. My favorite mode of camp cinema is when a creator’s reach is overwhelmingly earnest. But if you want to dig a little deeper, here are 10 of the best bad movies that aren’t The Room to tear you apart.Ĭast: Alan Bagh, Whitney Moore, Janae Caster, Colton Osborne, Adam Sessa Long story short: The Room is perfect, go watch it, have a blast.

However: If you’re at least somewhat familiar with the phenomenon of “so bad they’re good movies,” you’re probably at least somewhat familiar with The Room, the Tommy Wiseau cult classic that became a cross-country sensation and inspired a real-ass movie with the Francos called The Disaster Artist. And if you want this infectious experience, popularized by shows like Mystery Science Theater 3000, we’ve got 10 flicks that’ll scratch that itch and thensome. These types of flicks are catnip for folks looking to kick bad with a group of rowdy friends and laugh their dang butts off, commenting on the lack of finesse on display while earnestly vibing with the genuine joy they’re receiving. Movies that prove our puny definitions of “talent” and “craft” are arbitrary, coming in distant places to the winning effectiveness of “making something no matter what.” Movies that are so bad… they’re good. Movies that buck any kind of measure of effectiveness, inventing their own new rules and filmmaking vocabularies. You see, I’m a sucker for what you might call “bad movies.” Movies that by no conventional metric are of quality, but manage to reach a new height of entertainment value that seems to vibrate on a separate plane of existence. I respectfully disagree, but interesting.

What’s that? You only like watching “good movies”? Hmm.