Here are some verbs and expressions that always request the indicative and the subjunctive: Indicative mood There are certain verbs and expressions that almost always use the same mood – or, as we like to say it, they “trigger” the mood. Which takes us to… 2) Recognise some of the triggers! Struggling to understand how this applies? We have good news! The subjunctive will actually be pretty easy to identify once you get to know some key expressions, phrases and verbs that automatically request it. To talk about emotions and subjectivity.We use the subjunctive in Spanish in the following situations: Try our plans Subjunctive mood: when do we use it? Indeed, most of the verb tenses you have already learned or seen in Spanish will apply to the indicative mood, such as the present simple, the imperfect, the past simple and the future. To express belief or certainty that something will happen įeeling like this could apply to pretty much anything? That’s because you’re right.We use the indicative in Spanish in the following situations: Since we are focusing on two of them, what you need to ask yourself is what type of intentions require what mood.

Moods directly relate to the intention somebody has when they say something.
We bet you didn’t think grammar could be this romantic! Now…how does this help with Spanish moods? How to finally get the Spanish moods right 1) Pay attention to the intention. Is he asking for something? Is she stating a fact? Are they fairly sure of what they are saying or are they confused, uncertain or hopeful? Yes – grammar can tell us everything about what’s going on inside your heart! Simply put, grammatical moods are features in a language that tell us what type of intention the speaker has when they say something.