The scent is also so strong that it opens up your airways when using it and can sometimes burn. Whenever I would use sea breeze my eyes would swell up and get watery and stay irritated for a good portion of the day. Although I never had major acne problems while using seabreeze I did have dry skin, and it burned a lot. However, I tried to use seabreeze as a teenager for acne. My mother has bought sea breeze for years and seems to enjoy it. I have never been a fan of sea breeze products. I loved everything about this product, but it just made my face too oily. Perhaps if I had used some sort of lotion after using this astringent I would have had better results. Also, it did help my oily skin - at least for the first few hours, but then as the day wore on, my face would reproduce all the oil and more - leaving my face soft, but completely slick and shiny. It also smells nice and it never irritated or burned my skin. This product is convenient, extremely easy to apply, and worked well right away. You'll be amazed by how much dirt, impurities and residue were on your face that you didn't even know about! It really made my face feel soft and clean and healthy. Just quirt a small amount of it onto a cotton ball or cotton pad and swipe it across your face. I can tell you that it definitely does that! This product is gentle and easy to use. I used it for several months as a teenager with acne-prone skin, hoping it would help clear my pores and remove dirt and oil from my face. Overall, Sea Breeze Fresh-Clean Astringent Sensitive Skin is a nice astringent.

It works quickly, and as you see your cotton applicators get less and less dirty, it's nice to know how clean your face is getting. I don't believe it's harsh by any means, but it isn't gentle either.Īs I'm using it and immediately thereafter, my face feels wonderfully fresh. While it does leave your face feeling very clean and it's wonderful to just watch the nasty stuff on your face fade away, it leaves your face a bit sensitive too. I once found myself without cotton balls and had to do with tissue paper - it did not work nearly as effectively and my face still felt pretty mucky. Very convenient product, and easy to travel, but the only downside is that you have to make sure you have some cotton product to apply it with. It would soak up the astringent easy enough, but it would soak up the grime on face quickly as well and I would run through about 7 cotton balls per application. I feel as if I should have purchased cotton pads for this astringent, and I would recommend using pads for anyone planning on using it, as I used cotton balls and I ran through them like nobody's business. This astringent does what every astringent should - makes you face feel light and fresh and clean. It did take a few cotton-ball applications (lots of muck!) but in the end it made my skin breathe and feel amazingly fresh. I would use it at the end of the day before I did my night-time routine to get the muck of the day off my face and it worked fantastically. After running through a bottle of it, however, I've yet to find it anywhere. Sea Breeze is easily my favorite astringent that I've ever used. True Without a doubt one of the best deep-cleaning astringents. I can feel it tingling and cleaning as soon as I begin to apply. It can be overdrying even though it's for sensitive skin.

It's easy enough, just a little cumbersome.Īgain, a little annoying buying the pads and applying it to them and wringing them out but it's worth it. I found that this gave me just the right combo.ĭefinitely improved the acne on my forehead and chin. Try using it either in the morning or at night, not both. I notice that even though it doesn't say it's a toner, my face seems to have far less red spots or splotches.Īs a sensitive skin formula, it's still a little harsh and drying. I am inclined to think the latter, but this product has done a good job of toning out my skin. I'm not sure if it's cleaning extra deep or if its an affect of something in the product. The product makes my face tingle every time I use it. To use the astringent, you have to purchase cotton applicators separately which is a little inconvenient but not a big deal. It is strong and will definitely wake you up if you need a boost before school.

The smell of the astringent is very harsh. I don't believe the formula has changed much since then and it gave my skin a good feel and look overall. I started using this astringent in middle school because it's the product that my parents both used as teenagers back in the 80s.